I’m actually nearly a milestone I set years ago and I’m feeling very strange………
- 8 subscribers to 500
- ~5000 at 10k views
But I’m experiencing many changes in my life, way to do things, work, minds…
It started in a language but evolved in another.. It started as a random sharing but now I’m taking It more seriously.. It was nothing, now I smile watching It :)
Everything raised once I joined YTtalk and started making videos in english, this is the reason why I’m thinking about starting to vlog in this language!
My work now is about 3D animations, so my idea is to bring tutorials and short animations to the channel! lowering priority of others..
It’s a little different from what I actually do but I’m also not uploading so many videos in this last year, so maybe is not that mess I’m worrying of..
I’m worried about this revolution, I mean.. a revolution scares and this is what I feel right now..
Actually animations and english are 2 things I’m loving and the channel is about me!
I think I Should evolve It as I am.. but so scared too :S